About Rare DiseasesRare Disease Bookshelf
  • 認識罕見疾病:陣發性夜間血紅素尿症

    Number: 認識罕見遺傳疾病系列(二)

    Publication date: 2021/10/21

    Content description: 陣發性夜間血紅素尿症(Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria;PNH)是一種罕見而複雜血液疾病。患者的主要的症狀為慢性溶血、造血機能異常及血栓等問題,可引起腎功能受損、血管栓塞、骨髓造血功能不良等情況。


  • 認識香港罕見疾病聯盟

    Number: 機構介紹系列(一)

    Publication date: 2020/06/01

    Content description: Established in December 2014, Rare Disease Hong Kong (RDHK), formerly known as the Hong Kong Alliance for Rare Diseases, is a charitable institution recognized by the government (ref. no.: 91/16233). It is first patient group in Hong Kong comprising cross-rare-disease patients and their families with the support of experts and academics in the field.

    Topics across this leaflet: (1) What is a rare disease, (2) Definition of Rare Diseases, (3) Characteristics of Rare Diseases, (4) Challenges Encountered by Patients with Rare Disease and their Caregivers.

  • 家族性澱粉樣多發性神經病變

    Number: 認識罕見遺傳疾病系列(一)

    Publication date: 2018/12/15

    Content description: FAP(Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy,澱粉樣多發性神經病變)是一種罕見的家族染色體顯性遺傳疾病,因為某些蛋白的基因突變,導致其結構出現變化,使得這些原本為水溶性的蛋白形成澱粉纖維在細胞外沉積而致病。
