About RDHKList of Organisational Members
  • Hand in Hand Association

    So here at Hand in Hand, we want to provide a platform for children with congenital upper limb differences, together with their parents in Hong Kong, to grow together and support each other. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. At the same time, we wish to share useful resources from professionals in Hong Kong and similar support groups around the world. Link
  • Hong Kong Leiomyosareoma Foundation

    平滑肌肉瘤是一罕見癌症。透過專頁、希望可以聯繫香港的病友們及照顧者,大家可以交流資訊,互相支持。亦希望其他人仕對這個疾病多一點認識。 Link
  • Primary Immunodeficiency League

    PIDL(勉逆歷) 是一個病人和家屬的非牟利組織,我們致力於建立病人及家屬互相認識的平台,實踐互相分享,病人自助。勉逆歷希望透過這平台能夠提高社會及醫療界對PID的認識及關注,讓所須的患者能夠及早確診以便接受適當的治療。透過團結,我們希望能夠為PID患者爭取更好的治療和促進PID的醫學研究。 Link
  • PNH Concern Group

    主要為本港「陣發性夜間血尿症/Paroxysmal Noctural Hemoglobinuria」(簡稱PNH) 病人爭取醫療權益。 Link
  • Hong Kong Wilson's Disease Association

    香港威爾遜氏症協會為一個病人自發組織,希望能夠透過舉辦活動,聚會等,團結所有香港的威爾遜氏症患者和其家人,使他們互相提供支持及一起爭取病人權益。 Link
  • Hong Kong Neurofibromatosis Association


    協會希望增進社會對「神經纖維瘤」的了解和接納。 Link