About Rare DiseasesInternational Rare Disease Patient Groups
  • Asia Pacific Alliance of Rare Disease Organisaitons (APARDO)

    APARDO is an umbrella organization whose members are organizations serving or advocating the rare disease community in the Asia Pacific. Its mission is to help member organizations improve treatment outcomes for those affected by rare diseases (including rare cancers) in the Asia Pacific region. Link
  • Rare Disease International (RDI)

    RDI is the global alliance of Persons Living with a Rare Disease of all nationalities across all rare diseases. Its mission is to be a strong common voice for people living with a rare disease around the world. Link
  • 財團法人罕見疾病基金會(台灣)

    台灣罕見病基金會由草創時期,以建立罕病病友制度化福利服務,如罕病法推動、健保醫療給付等為訴求目標,使病友們享有基本的人權與尊重。到今天,基金會強調病友全人化的關懷服務,使病友在就學、就醫、就養、就業各方面獲得應有的尊重與關懷。 Link